A resourceful and persistent attacker will eventually find a way in, with networks being a favorite infiltration point. This is why many industrial sites and some data centers are completely isolated from external networks or the Internet. However, attackers still find backdoor mechanisms. In cloud environments and businesses running digital or SaaS services, network connectivity remains essential—making them prime targets. Traditional network security mechanisms like Firewalls and ID/IPS are not enough. Proactive threat detection and mitigation go beyond signature-based defenses, identifying and stopping threats before they cause damage.
For NDR-based threat-detection tools to do their job effectively, they must be fed with a constant stream of real-time and precise network data to the packet level, without missing any events or blind spots. But to provide this real-time intelligence at today’s high-speed multi-100Gbps networks, you need to have the right network visibility equipment and technology plugged into the network layer.